A tattoo is a body modification form in which the design is made by inserting ink, dye and pigment, either indelibly or temporarily, into the skin dermis layer to change the pigment. The art of making a tattoo is a tattoo .
Tattoos fall into three broad categories: pure decorative (without special meaning); symbolic (with a specific meaning related to the wearer); pictorial (depiction of a particular person or item). Tattoos have historically been regarded in the West as 'uncivilized', and over the past 100 years, fashion has been associated primarily with sailors, male and criminal workers. By the end of the 20th century, much of the Western stigma of tattoo culture had been dismissed, and this practice became more acceptable and accessible to people of all trades and levels of society.
Video Tattoo
The word tattoo , or tattow in the 18th century, is the word loan from Samoa tatau , which means "attack". The Oxford English Dictionary gave tattoo etymology as "In 18 c Tattaow, tattow, Polynesia (Samoan, Tahitian, Tonga, etc.) in Marquesan, tattoos." Before the import of Polynesian word, tattoo practice has been described in the West as paintings, scarring or staining.
The etymology of the term body modification is not to be confused with the origin of the word for drumbeat or military performances - see military tattoo . In this case, the English word tattoo is derived from the Dutch word taptoe .
The first written reference to the word tattoo (or tatau ) appeared in the Joseph Banks journal (February 24, 1743 - June 19, 1820), naturalist on James Cook HMS Endeavor : "Now I will mention the way they marked themselves indelibly, each highly marked by their humor or disposition". The word tattoo was brought to Europe by Cook, when he returned in 1769 from his first voyage to Tahiti and New Zealand. In his narration of the voyage, he refers to an operation called "tattaw".
Tattoo fans can refer to tattoos as "ink", "cut", "leather art", "tattoo art", "tats" or "work"; for creators as "tattoo artist", "tattoo" or "tattoo"; and to places where they work as "tattoo shop", "tattoo studio" or "tattoo salon".
The mainstream art gallery hosts conventional and custom tattoo design shows, such as Beyond Skin, at the Museum of Croydon. The design of mass-produced copyright tattoos and sent to tattoo artists are known as "flash", examples of industry-leading designs. Flash sheets are clearly displayed in many tattoo parlors for the purpose of inspiring and ready-made tattoo images to customers.
The Japanese word irezumi means "insertion of ink" and can mean tattoo using tebori , traditional Japanese hand method, Western-style machine or tattoo method using ink insertion. The most common word used for traditional Japanese tattoo design is horimono . The Japanese might use the word tattoo to define non-Japanese tattoo style.
The British anthropologist Ling Roth in 1900 described four methods of marking the skin and suggested they were distinguished by the names "tatu", "moko", "cicatrix" and "keloid".
Maps Tattoo
The American Academy of Dermatology distinguishes five types of tattoos: traumatic tattoos, also called "natural tattoos", resulting from injuries, especially asphalt from road or pencil injury; amateur tattoos; professional tattoos, both through traditional methods and modern tattoo machines; cosmetic tattoos, also known as "permanent makeup"; and medical tattoos.
Traumatic tattoos
According to George Orwell, coal miners can develop characteristic tattoos because coal dust gets into the wound. This can also happen with substances such as gunpowder. Similarly, traumatic tattoos occur when a substance such as asphalt is rubbed into a wound as a result of some kind of accident or trauma. These are very difficult to remove because they tend to spread over multiple layers of skin, and scarring or permanent color change is almost unavoidable depending on the location. Amalgam tattoos are when the amalgam particles are implanted into the soft tissues of the mouth, usually the gums, during placement or discharge of the teeth. Another example of this unintentional tattoo is the result of a deliberate or accidental stabbing with a pencil or pen, leaving behind graphite or ink under the skin.
Subculture connotation
Many tattoos serve as a rite of passage, a sign of status and rank, a symbol of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for courage, sexual urges and fertility marks, promises of love, amulets and amulets, protection, and as punishment, such as signs of exiles, slaves and inmates. The symbolism and impact of tattoos varies in different places and cultures. Tattoos can show how a person feels about a relative (usually a mother/father or daughter/child) or about an unrelated person. Today, people choose to be tattooed for artistic, cosmetic, sentimental/religious, and magical reasons, and to symbolize their possession or identification with certain groups, including criminal groups (see criminal tattoos) or certain ethnic groups or laws, adhere to the subculture. Although tattoos can represent solidarity with a particular group, they can also show opposition from other groups or concepts. For example, women can challenge the ideals of beauty by getting a tattoo of traditional feminine symbols but turning them into something that does not match the feminine expectations. Like getting a tattoo "...... a beautiful woman, like Marilyn Monroe, or a traditional pinup, and turning it into a zombie". Some M? Ori still chose to wear an elaborate moko on their faces. In Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, yantra tattoos are used for the protection of crime and to increase luck. Text-based tattoos include quotations, lyrics, personal motto or scripture popular in Western culture. For example, some Christians may have Psalms or Bible verses tattooed on their bodies. Popular verses include John 3:16, Philippians 4:13, and Psalm 23.
Extensive decorative tattoos are common among members of traditional bizarre performances and by performing artists who follow their traditions.
People have also been forcibly tattooed.
A well-known example is the Nazi practice of forcibly tying inmates of Nazi concentration camps with identification numbers during the Holocaust as part of the Nazi identification system, beginning in autumn 1941. SS Nazi introduced the practice in the Auschwitz concentration camp to identify the bodies of prisoners enrolled in camps concentration camp. During the registration, the Nazis would penetrate the outline of the serial numbers into the hands of the prisoners. From the Nazi concentration camp, only Auschwitz puts tattoos on the inmates. The tattoo was the number of prison camps, sometimes with special symbols added: some Jews had triangles, and Romani had the letter "Z" (from German Zigeuner for "Gypsy"). In May 1944, the Jews received the letter "A" or "B" to indicate a certain set of numbers. For unknown reasons, this serial number for women never starts again with the "B" series after they reach the 20,000 limit for the "A" series. This exercise continued until the last days of Auschwitz.
Tattoos have also been used for identification in other ways. As soon as Zhou, the Chinese authorities will use facial tattoos as punishment for certain crimes or to mark prisoners or slaves. During the Roman Empire, Roman soldiers were required by law to identify tattoos in their hands to make desertion difficult. Gladiators and slaves are also tattooed: the exported slaves are tattooed with the word "tax paid", and it is a common practice to tattoo "Stop me, I'm fugit" on their foreheads. Due to the Bible's deviation from that practice, Emperor Constantine I banned face tattooing around 330, and the Council of Nicea II banned all body marks as idol worship in 787.
In the initial contact period between M? Ori and Europe, the Maori hunt and decapitate each other for their moko tattoos, which they buy for European goods including axes and firearms. Tattoo Moko is a facial design worn to show the lineage, social position, and status in the tribe. The art of tattooing is a sacred marker of identity among the Maori and is also referred to as a vehicle for storing one's tapu, or a spiritual being, in the afterlife.
Tattoos are sometimes used by forensic pathologists to help them identify bodies that are burned, decomposed, or mutilated. Because the tattoo pigment is located inside the skin, tattoos are not easily destroyed even when the skin is burning.
Tattoos are also placed on animals, though rarely for decorative reasons. Pets, animals, horses, and cattle are sometimes tattooed with identification and other marks. Tattoos with 'slaps' on the shoulders or in the ears are the standard identification method in commercial pig farms. Branding is used for the same reason and is often done without anesthesia, but different from tattoos because no ink or dye is inserted during the process, the mark is not caused by a permanent scarring of the skin. Pet dogs and cats are sometimes tattooed with serial numbers (usually on the ears, or on the inner thighs) through which the owner can be identified. However, the use of microchips has become an increasingly popular choice and since 2016 is a legal requirement for all 8.5 million pet dogs in the UK.
The cosmetic surgery industry continues to see an increasing popularity trend for both surgical and noninvasive procedures. When used as a cosmetic form, tattoos include permanent makeup and hide or neutralize skin discoloration. Permanent makeup is the use of tattoos to improve eyebrows, lips (liner and/or lipstick), eye (liner), and even moles, usually with natural colors, because the design is meant to resemble makeup.
A growing trend in the US and UK is to place an artistic tito above a mastectomy surgical scar. "More women are choosing not to reconstruct after mastectomy and tattooing over scar tissue instead.... Tattoos mastectomy will be the only other option for post-cancer patients and a truly personal way to regain control over the body after cancer and prove once and for all breast cancer it's not just a pink ribbon. "However, the reconstructed nipple tattoo on the reconstructed breast remains in high demand.
Functional tattoos are used primarily for purposes other than aesthetics. One of its uses is to tattoo Alzheimer's patients by their names, so they can be easily identified if they are lost.
Medical tattoos are used to ensure the instrument is properly placed for repeated radiotherapy applications and for the areola in some form of breast reconstruction. Tattoos have also been used to convey medical information about the wearer (eg, blood type, medical condition, etc.). In addition, tattoos are used in skin tones to cover vitiligo, skin pigmentation disorder.
Blood type SS (German: BlutgruppentÃÆ'¤towierung) tattoo worn by members of the Waffen-SS in Nazi Germany during World War II to identify individual blood types. After the war, the tattoo was taken to be prima facie, if not perfect, the evidence became part of the Waffen-SS, leading to potential arrest and prosecution. This led to a number of Ex-Waffen-SS firing themselves through the arm with a pistol, removing the tattoo and leaving a trace as it resulted from the inoculation of smallpox, making the appointment less clear.
Tattoos may also be used in ancient medicine as part of patient care. In 1898, Daniel Fouquet, a medical doctor, wrote an article on the practice of "medical tattoos" in Ancient Egypt, where he described the tattoo signs on female mummies found on the Deir el-Bahari site. He speculates that tattoos and other scarifications observed on the body may have served medicinal or therapeutic purposes: "Examination of these scars, some white, others blue, leaves no doubt that they are not, in essence, ornaments, but the treatment prescribed for pelvic conditions, it is possible chronic pelvic peritonitis. "
The tattoos preserved on the remains of ancient mummified humans reveal that tattoos have been practiced throughout the world for centuries. In 2015, a scientific re-evaluation of the age of the two oldest tattoo mummies known to identify ÃÆ'-tzi as the oldest known example today. This body, with 61 tattoos, was found embedded in glacial ice in the Alps, and dated to 3250 BC. In 2018, the oldest figurative tattoo in the world is found on two mummies from Egypt dated between 3351 and 3017 BC.
Ancient tattoos are most widely practiced among Austronesians. This is one of the earliest technologies developed by Proto-Austronesians in Taiwan and the coast of South China before at least 1500 BC, before the Austronesian expansion into the Indo-Pacific islands. Perhaps initially associated with head-hunting. Tattoo traditions, including facial tattoos, can be found among all Austronesian subgroups, including Taiwanese Aborigines, Southeast Asian Isles, Micronesian, Polynesian, and Malagasy. Austronesians use typical skin pricking techniques, using small hammers and piercings made of citrus spines, fish bones, bones, and oyster shells.
The ancient traditions of tattoos have also been documented among Papuans and Melanesians, with the use of their typical obsidian skin piercer. Some archaeological sites with this tool are linked to Austronesian migration to Papua New Guinea and Melanesia. But other sites are older than the Austronesian expansion, dated around 1650-2000 BC, indicating that there is a tradition of tattoos already existing in the region.
Among other ethnolinguistic groups, tattoos are also performed among the Ainu people of Japan; some Australians from Indochina; Berber woman from Tamazgha (North Africa); the Yoruba, Fulani and Hausa from Nigeria; Native Americans of pre-Columbian America; and Picts of Iron Age Britain.
It is generally held that the popularity of modern tattoos stems from the three cruises of Captain James Cook to the South Pacific at the end of the 18th century. Of course, Cook's journey and the dissemination of texts and pictures from them brought more awareness about tattoos (and, as mentioned above, imported the word "tattow" into Western languages). On Cook's first trip in 1768, his expedition's baptist science and botanist Sir Joseph Banks, as well as Sydney Parkinson and many others from the crew, returned to England with tattoos, though many of these men would have pre-existing tattoos. The bank was a highly respected member of the British aristocrat who earned his position with Cook by joining the expedition's expense with ten thousand pounds, a huge sum at the time. In turn, Cook brought back a tattooed Raiatean man, Omai, whom he dedicated to King George and the English Court. On subsequent trips, other crew members, from officers, such as John Ledyard America, to ordinary sailors, tattooed.
The first documented professional tattoo in England was founded in the port of Liverpool in the 1870s. In the UK, tattoos are still mostly associated with sailors and lower classes or even criminals, but by the 1870s had become fashionable among some of the upper class members, including nobles, and in its upper class could be an expensive process and sometimes painful. A class division marked on acceptance of practice continues for some time in the UK. More recently, trends have emerged marketed as tattoos 'Sticks and Poke'; primitive numbers are permanently written by the users themselves after they get a 'DIY' kit that contains needles, ink, and a collection of suggestions.
United States
Since most tattoos in the US are done by Polynesian and Japanese amateurs, tattoo artists are in great demand in port cities around the world, especially by European and American sailors. The first professional tattoo artist to be recorded in the United States was a German immigrant, Martin Hildebrandt. He opened a store in New York City in 1846 and quickly became popular during the American Civil War among the army and sailors of the Union and Confederate military.
Hildebrandt began traveling from camp to camp to tattoo army, making his popularity increase, and also gave birth to the tradition of getting a tattoo when becoming an American soldier. Immediately after the Civil War, tattoos became fashionable among upscale young adults. This trend lasted until the beginning of World War I. The invention of the electric tattoo machine caused the popularity of tattoos among the rich to drop off. This machine makes the tattoo procedure easier and cheaper, thus eliminating the symbol of status symbol previously held, because now the price is affordable for all socioeconomic classes. The status symbol of the tattoo shifts from the representation of wealth, to the marks usually seen on rebels and criminals. Despite these changes, tattoos remain popular among military soldiers, and tradition continues today.
A lot of research has been done on tattoo populations and people's views about tattoos. In June 2006, the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology published the results of a 2004 telephone survey. It was found that 36% of Americans aged 18-29, 24% of them 30-40, and 15% of those 41-51 had tattoos. In September 2006, the Pew Research Center conducted a telephone survey that found that 36% of Americans aged 18-25, 40% of those 26-40 and 10% of those 41-64 had tattoos. They conclude that Generation X and Generation Y are not afraid to express themselves through their appearance, and tattoos are the most popular form of self expression. In January 2008, an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States had tattoos, slightly down from 2003, when 16% had tattoos. Among age groups, 9% of those aged 18-24, 32% of them 25-29, 25% of them 30-39 and 12% of those 40-49 have tattoos, as do 8% of those who are 50- 64. Men are slightly more likely to have tattoos than women.
Richmond, Virginia has been named one of the most tattooed cities in the United States. The distinction leads the Valentine Valentine's History Center to create an online exhibition entitled "History, Ink: The Tattoo Archive Project." Introduction to the exhibition note, "In the past, western culture links tattoos with people living on the margins of society, but today they are recognized as legitimate and widely accepted art forms in mainstream culture."
Since the 1970s, tattoos have become a major part of Western fashion, common among both sexes, for all economic classes and age groups from later adolescents to middle ages. For many young Americans, tattoos have taken on a distinctly different meaning from previous generations. Tattoos have "undergone dramatic redefinition" and have shifted from a form of deviation to an acceptable form of expression.
Protection paper
The protection paper is used by American sailors to prevent themselves from taking off from American ships and seems to be a Royal Navy. This is a simple document that describes the sailor as an American sailor. Many certificates of protection are so common, and it is so easy to misuse the system, so many officers withdrawing from the Royal Navy do not notice them. "In applying for a duplicate Seafarer Protection Certificate in 1817, James Francis declared that he" had the protection afforded him by this Harbor Collector on or about March 12, 1806 which was torn and destroyed by an English Captain when at sea. '"One way to make it more specific is to describe the tattoo, which is very personal, and thus use that description to identify sailors, consequently, many of the certificates then bring information about tattoos and scars, as well as other specific information. leading to an increase and proliferation of tattoos among American sailors. "Often their 'letters of refuge' refers to tattoos, clear evidence that a person is a sailor, rarely do members of the general public decorate themselves with tattoos."
"At the end of the XVIII and early nineteenth centuries, tattoos were as much as self-expression as they had a unique way of identifying the body of a sailor if he was lost at sea or impressed by the British navy.The best source for early American tattoos was the protection paper issued after 1796 congress action to protect American sailors from the impression. This proto printing categorizes tattoos along with birthmarks, scars, races, and height. By using simple techniques and tools, tattoo artists in the early republic usually work on board ships using whatever available as pigments, even gunpowder and urine.The men mark their arms and hands with their own initials and loved ones, important dates, sailor life symbols, freedom poles, crosses, and other symbols. "
Freedom papers
Because this protection paper is used to define free people and citizenship, many black sailors and others also use it to show that they are free if they are stopped by officials or slave catchers. They also call them "free paper" because they state their non-slave status. Many blacks are freed using tattoo descriptions for identification purposes on their freedom papers.
Tattoos involve placement of pigments into the dermis of the skin, the layer of dermal tissue underlying the epidermis. After initial injection, the pigment is spread throughout the damaged layers homogenized through the epidermis and the upper dermis, where the presence of foreign material activates the phagocytes of the immune system to ingest the pigment particles. As the healing progresses, the damaged epidermis peels (removes surface pigment) while more in the form of skin granulation tissue, which is then converted into connective tissue by collagen growth. This improves the upper dermis, where the pigment remains trapped in successive macrophage generation, eventually concentrating on layers just below the dermis/epidermal boundary. Its existence there is stable, but in the long run (decades) pigments tend to migrate deeper into the dermis, accounting for detail is degraded from old tattoos.
Some traditional tribal cultures create tattoos by cutting designs onto the skin and rubbing the resulting wounds with ink, ash or other agents; some cultures continue this practice, which may be in addition to scarification. Some cultures create tattoos by inserting ink into the skin using sharp stems or animal bones (made like needles) with plates formed from clay or, in modern times, needles.
The most common method of tattoos in modern times is the electric tattoo machine, which inserts ink into the skin through a single needle or a group of needles that are soldered to a bar, which is attached to an oscillating unit. Units quickly and repeatedly push the needle in and out of the skin, usually 80 to 150 times per second. Needles are disposable needles that are individually packaged.
Tattoos are organized in many countries because of the health risks associated with clients and practitioners, especially local infections and virus transmission. Disposable plastic apron and eye protector may be worn depending on the risk of blood or other fluid splashed into the eye or clothing of the tattoo. Hand hygiene, risk assessment and proper disposal of all sharp objects and materials contaminated with blood are a very important part. The tattoo artist must wash his hands and also have to wash the area to be tattooed. Gloves should be worn at all times and the wound should be cleaned frequently with a wet disposable towel. All equipment must be sterilized in a certified autoclave before and after each use. It is a good practice to provide a printed consent form to clients outlining risks and complications as well as instructions for after treatment.
Historical connection
The Meiji Government of Japan has banned tattoos in the 19th century, a ban that prevailed for 70 years before being revoked in 1948. On June 6, 2012, all new tattoos were banned for Osaka city employees. The existing tattoos must be covered with the right clothes. The rules were added to Osaka's code of ethics, and employees with tattoos were encouraged to remove them. This is done because of the strong connection of tattoos with yakuza, or Japanese organized crime, after an Osaka official in February 2012 threatens a schoolboy by showing his tatoo.
Tattoos have a negative connotation in Chinese history, where criminals are often marked with tattoos. The tattoo association with criminals is transmitted from China to influence Japan. Today, tattoos remain taboo in Chinese society.
The Romans tattooed criminals and slaves, and in the nineteenth century freed US prisoners, Australian prisoners and British army deserters identified with tattoos. Prisoners in the Nazi concentration camp were tattooed with identification numbers. Today, many prison inmates are still tattooing themselves as an indication of time spent in jail.
Native Americans also use tattoos to represent their tribe. Croatian Catholic Bosnians use religious Christian tattoos, especially children and women, for protection against conversion to Islam during Ottoman rule in the Balkans.
The modern association
Tattoos are strongly linked empirically with irregularities, personality disorders and criminality. Although the general acceptance of tattoos is increasing in Western societies, they still have a heavy stigma among certain social groups. Tattoos are generally considered an important part of Russian mafia culture.
The current cultural understanding of tattoos in Europe and North America has been greatly influenced by old stereotypes based on distorted social groups in the 19th and 20th centuries. Particularly in North America, tattoos have been associated with stereotypes, folklore and racism. It was not until the 1960s and 1970s that people associate tattoos with outcasts like bikers and prisoners. Today, in the United States many prisoners and criminal gangs use special tattoos to show facts about their criminal behavior, imprisonment and organizational affiliation. Tattoo tears, for example, can be a symbol of murder, or any tears represent the death of a friend. At the same time, members of the US military have an equally established and long-standing tattoo history to show military units, combat, assassinations, etc., an association that is still widespread among older Americans. In Japan, tattoos are associated with yakuza criminal groups, but there are non-yakuza groups such as the Fukushi Masaichi tattoo association that seeks to preserve the dead skin of Japan that has extensive tattoos. Tattoos are also common in the British Armed Forces. Depending on the call, tattoos are accepted in a number of professions in America. Companies in various fields are increasingly focused on diversity and inclusion.
In the UK, there is evidence of women with tattoos, hidden by their clothes, throughout the 20th century, and tattoo notes like Jessie Knight from the 1920s. A study of "at risk" (as defined by school absence and truancy) adolescent girls showed a positive correlation between body modification and negative feelings towards the body and low self-esteem; However, this study also shows that a strong motive for body modification is the search for "self and effort to achieve mastery and control over the body in an increasingly alienated time". The prevalence of women in the tattoo industry in the 21st century, along with a large number of women who have tattoos, seem to change negative perceptions.
Advertising and marketing
Former Rowland sailor Hussey Macy, who formed Macy department store, used a red star tattoo in his hand for the shop's logo.
Tattoos have also been used in marketing and advertising with companies that pay people to have brand logos such as HBO, Red Bull, ASOS.com and Sailor Jerry tattoos on their bodies. This practice is known as "skinvertising".
B.T.'s Smokehouse, a barbecue restaurant located in Massachusetts, offers customers free lifetime food if they have a tattooed logo on their visible body parts. Nine people took up the business offer.
Health risks
Because it requires breakdown of the skin barrier, tattoos carry health risks including infection and allergic reactions. Tattoos can be uncomfortable to torture depending on the area and can cause people to faint. Modern tattoos reduce risk by following universal precautions that work with disposable items and sterilize their equipment after each use. Many jurisdictions require that tattoos have blood pathogen training as provided through the Red Cross and OSHA. In 2009 (in the United States) there were no reports of HIV cases contracted from tattoos.
In amateur tattoos, as practiced in prison, however, there is an increased risk of infection. Infection theoretically can be transmitted by the use of non-sterile tattoo equipment or contaminated ink including skin surface infections, fungal infections, some forms of hepatitis, herpes simplex virus, HIV, staph, tetanus, and tuberculosis.
The ink tattoo has been described as "very not histologically histologic". However, cases of allergic reactions to tattoo ink, especially certain colors, have been documented medically. This is sometimes due to the presence of nickel in the ink pigment, which triggers a common metal allergy. Sometimes, when a blood vessel is impaled during a tattoo procedure, a bruise/hematoma may appear.
Certain colors - red or similar in color like purple, pink, and orange - tend to cause more problems and damage than other colors. Red ink has even caused severe skin and flesh damage, so amputation of the leg or arm should be performed. If parts of the tattoo (especially if red) start causing minor problems, such as being itchy or worse, thick, then Danish experts strongly advise to remove red parts.
In 2017, researchers from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France say that chemicals in tattoo inks can move in the bloodstream and accumulate in the lymph nodes, blocking their ability to fight off infections. However, the authors noted in their paper that most tattooed individuals including donors who were analyzed did not suffer from chronic inflammation.
While tattoos are considered permanent, it is sometimes possible to remove them, completely or partially, with laser treatments. Usually, black ink and some colored ink can be removed more completely than any other color ink. The costs and the pain associated with tattoo removal are usually greater than the costs and the pain associated with their application. Methods of pre-laser tattoo removal include dermabrasion, salabrasion (rubbing skin with salt), cryosurgery and excision - which are sometimes still used in conjunction with skin grafts for larger tattoos. This older method, however, has been almost completely superseded by laser lifting treatment options.
Temporary tattoos
A temporary tattoo is an impermanent image on a skin that resembles a permanent tattoo. Temporary tattoos can be drawn, painted, airbrushed or stabbed as permanent tattoos with ink that can be dissolved in blood within 6 months of art as a form of body painting.
Temporary tattoo type
Temporary tattoo-style sticker
Temporary tattoos (press-tap) are used to decorate any body part. They can last for a day or more than a week.
Metallic jewelry tattoos
Temporary tattoo foil is a variation of temporary tattoo-style stickers, printed using stamping foil technique rather than using ink. The foil design is printed as a mirror image to be viewed in the right direction once applied to the skin. Each metallic tattoo is protected by a transparent protective film.
Temporary airbrush tattoos
Although they have become more popular and usually require greater investment, tattoos while airbrushes tend to achieve a permanent tattoo look, and may not survive during temporary press tattoos. An artist sprayed an airbrush tattoo using a stencil with an alcohol-based cosmetic ink, which is FDA approved. Like decal tattoos, tattoos while airbrush are also easily removed with alcohol or baby oil.
Henna temporary tattoo
Another tattoo alternative is tattoo-based henna, which generally does not contain additives. Henna is a substance derived from plants painted on the skin, tainting it with a reddish-to-brown orange color. Due to the semi-permanent nature of the girlfriends, they do not have realistic colors typical of temporary temporary tattoos. Because the application process is time consuming, it is a relatively poor choice for children. If you choose a tattoo while henna, make sure that they are a pure girlfriend. Dermatological publications report that allergic reactions to natural henna are very rare and products are generally considered safe for skin applications. Serious problems can occur, however, from the use of girlfriends with certain additives. The FDA and medical journals report that the painted black henna tattoo is very dangerous. Henna Black or Henna Pre-Mixed Tattoo May Be Dangerous - see below for safety information.
Safe temporary tattoos
Decal-style temporary tattoo safety
Temporary temporary tattoos, when sold legally in the United States, have been given color additives approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as cosmetics --- the FDA has determined that these dyes are safe for "direct dermal contact." While the FDA has received several reports of mild skin irritation, including redness and swelling, of this type of temporary tattoo, the agency has found these symptoms as "child-specific" and not significant enough to support the warning to the public. Unapproved pigments, sometimes used by non-US manufacturers, can provoke an allergic reaction to anyone. Understanding the types of temporary tattoos available to consumers, knowing where they are manufactured, and ensuring they come from a reliable source is the key to determining if the tattoo is temporarily safe.
Airbrush tattoo safety
This type of airbrush paint is produced for crafts, making art or decoration clothes should not be used for tattoos. This paint is not approved for direct contact with the skin, and may cause allergy or toxicity. Always ask the airbrush tattoo artist what kind of ink he uses and whether it meets FDA approval.
Safety tattoo Henna
The FDA regularly issues warnings to consumers about avoiding temporary tattoos labeled black henna or pre-mixed henna as it contains potentially harmful ingredients including silver nitrate, carmine, pyrogallol, disperse orange dye and chromium. Black Henna gets the color of paraphenylenediamine (PPD), a textile dye approved by the FDA for human use only in hair dyeing. In Canada, the use of PPD on the skin, including hair dye, is prohibited. Research has linked these materials and other ingredients to a range of health problems including allergic reactions, chronic inflammatory reactions, and slow-onset allergen reactions to related clothing and hair dyes. They can cause this reaction long after the application. Henna black or henna pre-mixed is approved for cosmetic use by the FDA.
Religious view
Judaism generally forbids tattoos among its followers based on the commands in Leviticus 19. Jews tend to believe that this commandment applies only to Jews and not to Gentiles.
There is no special rule in the New Testament forbidding tattoos, and most Christian denominations believe that the law of Leviticus is outdated and believes that the commandment applies only to the Israelites, not to the Gentiles. While most Christian groups tolerate tattoos, some Evangelical denominations and Protestant fundamentalists believe that the command applies today to Christians and believes it is a sin to get it.
Many Coptic Christians in Egypt take the cross tattoos on their right wrists to be different from Muslims.
Tattoos are considered haram in Sunni Islam, based on the decisions of the scholars and the interior of the Hadith. Shi'ite Islam does not completely ban tattoos, though it may be viewed as low in the Shi'a community.
See also
External links
- Media related to Tattoos on Wikimedia Commons
- Jobs associated with Tattoos on Wikisource
- Tattoos, Permanent Art Documentary produced by Off Book (web series)
- History, Ink produced by Meghan Glass Hughes for The Valentine Richmond History Center
Source of the article : Wikipedia