In modern usage, the term "Bohemian" applies to people living unconventional, usually artistic, living. The followers of the "Bloomsbury Group", formed around the brothers Stephen, Vanessa Bell, and Virginia Woolf in the early 20th century, are among the most famous examples. The original "Bohemian" is a traveler or refugee from Central Europe (hence, French bohÃÆ' Â © mien , for "gypsies").
Reflecting on the "boho-chic" fashion style of the early 21st century, the Sunday Times considers it ironic that "fashionable girls wear ruffly petticoats in hopes of a bohemian, nomadic, vibrant and non-bourgeois look "while" gypsy girls themselves... sexy and fun precisely because they do not give hoot for fashion ". By contrast, at the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th century, the Bohemian fashion aspect reflected the lifestyle itself.
Video Bohemian style
Awal abad ke-19 dan peran wanita
Bohemian subculture is closely related to male artists and intellectuals. Women's colleagues have been intimately connected with the so-called Grisettes, young women who combine part-time prostitution with various other jobs. In the first quarter of the 19th century, the term Grisette also came to refer more specifically to independent young women. These often work as tailors or milling assistants as well as the often visited bohemian art and culture places in Paris. Many grisettes work as artist models, often providing sexual assistance to artists in addition to posing for them. During the time of King Louis-Philippe they came to dominate the bohemian modeling scene.
"Art is the primary reason for all acts that go beyond vulgar. It is an art that purifies everything, even the deportation of poor poor women's bodies."
Grisette became a frequent character in French fiction but was mentioned in early 1730 by Jonathan Swift. The term, comparing grisette in poetry, signifies the qualities of both flirty and intellectual aspirations, George du Maurier based most of Trilby on his experience as a student at Parisian bohemia during the 1850s. The 1842 story of Poe is based on the unresolved murder of Mary Cecilia Rogers near New York City, with the subtitle "A Sequel to 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'", it is the first detective story to try a solution of real crime. The most enduring Grisette is Mimi in the novel Henri Murger (and the next game) ScÃÆ'¨nes de la vie de BohÃÆ'¨me , the source for the famous opera Puccini La bohÃÆ'¨me.
In 1848 William Makepeace Thackeray used the word bohemianism in his novel Vanity Fair. In 1862, the Westminster Review described a Bohemian as "only an artist or littà ©  © rateur who, consciously or unconsciously, broke away from conventionality in life and art ". During the 1860s the term was attributed in particular to the pre-Raphael movement, the group of artists and aesthetists in which Dante Gabriel Rossetti was the most prominent:
Jane Morris, Edward Burne-Jones and pre-RaphaeliteAs the 1860s grew, Rossetti would become a great prince of bohemianism because his deviation from normal standards became more daring. And when he became the symbol of this unusual thing, his egocentric demands required his close friends to remodel their own lives around him. His bohemianism is like a net where others are trapped - nothing more than William and Jane Morris.
Jane Morris, Edward Burne-
Jane Morris, Rossetti's inspiration, is symbolized, perhaps more than any woman associated with pre-Raphael, an unlimited style of dress, which, though unconventional at the time, would have been particularly influential in certain periods during the twentieth century. He and others, including the much more strange Georgiana Burne-Jones (Edward Burne-Jones's wife, one of Raphael's pre-), avoided the mid-to-late Victorian bodice and crinoline, an impressive feature of American author Henry James when he wrote to sister in 1869 about the bohemian atmosphere of Morrises' home in the Bloomsbury district of London and, in particular, the dark darkening presence of his chateleine:
It's hard to tell whether he's the big synthesis of all the pre-Raphael photos ever made... whether he's original or his copy. In both cases he is a miracle. Imagine a tall, tall woman in a long dress of some purple stuff dead, without sin circles (or anything else I have to say) with a lump of crisp black hair piled into huge wavy projection on each of her temples... long neck, no collars any , and in lieu of thereof a few dozen strange beads.
In his game of Pygmalion (1912), Bernard Shaw clearly based a portion of Mrs Higgins on the elderly Jane Morris. Describing the drawing room of Mrs Higgins, she refers to her portrait of "when she defies the mode of her youth in one of the beautiful Rossettian costumes, when muddled by people who do not understand, causes the absurdity of popular aesthetics in the eighteen-seventies ".
A biographer Edward Burne-Jones, writing a century after Shaw (Fiona MacCarthy, 2011), has noted that, in 1964, when the influential Biba store opened in London by Barbara Hulanicki, "endless long clothing," though more sexy. than the dress depicted in Burne-Jones paintings like The Golden Stairs or The Sirens, however they resemble them. Biba's interior has been described by the biographer of the 20th-century British designer, Laura Ashley, having an atmosphere that "smells sex... [It] is designed to look like a brothel with its opulence red, black and gold, but, , this implies the forbidden and ancient Edwardian sex style with feather boots, patterned palms, wooden coat racks and dark lighting. "MacCarthy observes also that" the androgynous appearance of the Burne-Jones male figure reflects the sexual ambivalent feelings "of the late 1960s.
Initial interest strength: Effie Millais
Effie Gray, whose marriage to John Ruskin was canceled in 1854 before he married pre-Raphael painter John Millais, is known to have used flowers as jewelry and may also be a "firm" statement. While in Scotland with Ruskin (still her husband) and Millais, she collects the fox in her hair. She wore it at breakfast despite being asked by her husband not to do it, an attitude of disobedience, at a time of crisis in their relationship, which came to critical notice of Florence Nightingale (who tends to consider others of her sex with "Almost no hide for scorn" and generally unsympathetic against "women's rights"). A few weeks earlier, on Midsummer Day, Effie (probably inspired by Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream) was said by her hostess, Pauline Trevelyan, to "look beautiful" with a stephanotis in her hair at a party night in Northumberland, while, the year before, a male friend had brought a glass flower to her hair from Venice. Ruskin's father was obviously shocked to learn that, when Effie himself was in Venice, he had taken off his hood in public, as if from heat.
In 1853 Millais painted Effie with Foxgloves in Her Hair depicting her wearing a flower while performing sewing. Other paintings from the mid-19th century, such as Frederick Sandys' Love i Shadow (1867) from a girl with roses in her hair, sucked a flower, described in 1970 as "first-rate PR work for the People Flowers ", and Burne-Jones' The Heart of the Rose (1889), were quoted as the shadow of" flower power "from the mid-late 1960s.
Maps Bohemian style
Early 20th century and year war between
Women's rational and motion clothing
At the turn of the 20th century, more and more professional women, especially in America, strive to live beyond the traditional parameters of society. Between 1870 and 1910 the rate of marriage between educated women in the United States fell to 60% (30% lower than the national average), while, in 1893, in the state of Massachusetts alone, about 300,000 women earned their own lives of nearly 300 jobs. The invention of the typewriter in 1867 was a special boost: for example, at the turn of the 20th century, 80% of stenographers were women.
At this time, movements such as the Rational Dress Society (1881), in which Morrises and Georgiana Burne-Jones were involved, began to affect women's clothing, although the pre-Raphael display was still considered "advanced" in the later years of the 19th century. The precocious Princess of Queen Victoria, Princess Louise, an accomplished painter and artist in a bohemian circle, sympathizes with the rational outfit and generally developed women's movement (though her pregnant pregnancy at the age of 18 is said to have been disguised by a tight corset). However, it was not really until the First World War that "many women are working... starting a revolution in a mode that greatly reduces the weight and restrictions imposed on them by their clothes". Some women working in the factory wearing trousers and bras (created in 1889 by Herminie Cadolle feminist and patented in America by Mary Phelps Jacob in 1914) began gradually to replace the corset. In the shipyard "trouser suit" (term, "trousers" adopted in America in the 1920s) is essential to allow women up and down stairs. The music hall performers also help push the boundaries of fashion; these include Vesta Tilley, whose brave adoption on a well-designed man-wearing stage not only has an influence on men's clothing, but also predicts it to the level of style adopted by some women in the interwar period. It is widely understood that Tilley seeks additional authenticity by wearing men's underwear, even though off stage he is much more conventional in both his outfit and his general outlook.
In the early 1920s, what had become a prerequisite of wartime - the need to save material - had become a statement of freedom by young women, manifested by a shorter edge line (just above knee in 1925-6) and children's hairstyles , accompanied by what Robert Graves and Alan Hodge described as "the fantastic new development of Jazz music". At the Antwerp Olympics in 1920, French tennis player Suzanne Lenglen drew attention with a knee-length skirt that revealed her suspender belt every time she jumped to hit the ball. Since then, women's sportswear, like everyday clothes, became more free, though, after the Second World War, when American player Gussie Moran appeared at the Wimbledon championship in 1949 in a short skirt revealing lace-trimmed underwear, the All England Lawn Tennis and the Croquet Club accused him of bringing "weirdness and sins into tennis" and put aside designer Teddy Tinling for years.
The impact of underwear in the 1920s and 30s
The Penguin Social History of Britain records that "in the 1920s newspapers were filled with advertisements for 'underwear' and 'underwear' that would be classified as indecent for the previous generation." Thus, in the novel comic of Ben Travers Rookery Nook (1923), a young woman was driven out of the house in her sleeping clothes and in need of everyday clothing commented, "Combies.. It's OK, but in summer You know, we do not... ", while in the thriller Agatha Christie, The Mystery of the Seven Dials (1929), the aristocratic heroine, Brent's" Bundle "Lady, wears only" negligible " under his shirt; like many real-life "girls" in her class, she has been freed from the "polite expectations" of previous generations. In Hollywood, actress Carole Lombard, who, in the 1930s, combines a passion with sexual attraction, never wearing brassiÃÆ'¨re and "avoiding underwear". However, he famously states that although "I live with a male code designed to fit the world of men... at the same time I never forget that women's first job is to choose the right lipstick color" By coincidence, sales of male socks fall off dramatically in the United States when Lombard's future husband, Clark Gable, was revealed not to wear it in the motel's famous motel scene with Claudette Colbert in the movie It Happened One Night (1934). According to Gable, "the idea looked half-naked and scared the boy into his own bed on the other side of the blanket [hanging from the clothesline to separate the twin beds]". However, he "gives the impression that going without is a vital sign of male virility." More generally, the adoption by the American film industry from the Hays Production Code in the early 1930s had a significant effect on how moral, and especially sexual, the problems portrayed in the film. This includes a more conservative approach to clothing problems. While the types of thin clothing featured in some previous productions (eg, Joan Blondell and Barbara Stanwyck at Night Nurse, 1931) tend to reflect a trend that, in 1920, opposed the convention and considered many young women who were released, in the early years of the Depression, such performances were considered highly undesirable. Developments in the late 1960s and '70s, when code strictures were abandoned, followed a similar pattern, though, at that time, it was often women who were at the forefront of resistance to sexual imagery.
Looking back at this period, Graves and Hodge recorded a protracted course that "brave women's clothing is always taken... from brothels to the stage, then to Bohemia, to Society, to Community servants, to factory maidens and last to women suburbs ".
The "Dorelia" view
Among Bohemian women in the early 20th century, the "gypsy look" was a recurring theme, popularized by Dorothy Dorelia McNeill (1881-1969), muse, lover and wife of both painter Augustus John (1878-1961) whose full skirt and bright colors bring up the so-called "Dorelia look". Katherine Everett, nÃÆ' Â © e Olive, a former student of the Slade School of Art in London, has described "tight, hand-stitched, and walnuted McNeil's walnuts on a dark skirt that flows, and she her hair very black and shiny, emphasizing the long silver earrings that were her only jewelry ".
Everett also remembered the Johns forest "with wild blossoming cherry trees, and... a model with red flying hair, dressed in white, chased in and out of the tree by naked children". With a similar lack of attenuation, as early as 1907, American heir, Natalie Barney (1875-1972) leads a minded woman in a sapphic dance in a Parisian garden, photographs that look slightly different from the scene at Woodstock in 1969 and other "pop" festivals the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Bobo hairstyle and cross-gender
In contrast, short bob hair is often a Bohemian feature, originally from Paris c. 1909 and has been adopted by students in Slade several years before American film actresses such as Colleen Moore and Louise Brooks ("Girls on black helmets") became associated with it in the mid-1920s. This style is clearly seen in 1916 woodblock self-portrait by Dora Carrington, who had entered Slade in 1910, and, indeed, journalist and historian Sir Max Hastings has been called "polled punts occupied by girls lying with bob hair" as an eternal image , if misleading, popular from the "idyll before the storm" of the First World War.
In the short story of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Bernice Bobs Her Hair (1920), a young woman who wants to be a "seductive society" considers adoption bob as a necessary start, while Louise Brooks Sexually charged appearance like Lulu in the movie GW Pabst, Pandora's Box (1929), leaving a long-lasting style image, which has been replicated on-screen for years, most definitely by Cyd Charisse at Singin 'in the Rain (1952 ), Isabelle de FunÃÆ'¨s as Valentina at Baba Yaga (1973) and Melanie Griffith in Something Wild (1986). It was also associated with many popular singers and actresses in the 1960s and has been frequently awakened by writers and directors, as well as fashion designers, who sought to reclaim a hedoconic or free spirit in the 1920s. For example, Kerry Greenwood's Cocaine Blues (1989) and successful novels about Phryne Fisher, a glamorous but unusual aristocratic researcher in the late twenties of Melbourne, Australia, delivered a picture - "five foot two [157.5 cm] with green and black hair eyes cut into a hat "- later cultivated in a style on television by Essie Davis at ABC Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries (2012).
Around 1926 the shorter style, known as the "Eton plant", became popular: on his arrival at Tilling (Rye) in the comic novel EF Benson Mapp and Lucia (1931), Lucia described "Weird" Irene as "a girl with no hats and Eton plants, wearing a fisherman's uniform and tights". (In the same book, Miss Mapp is often - and topically - addressed to Lucia, with her annoyance, as "Lulu".) Over the years, many of the assumptions are often made about female sexuality with crop hair styles; a historian of the 1980s wrote of the Greenham Common "peace camp" in Britain that "brought public awareness to feminist separation and even to lesbianism, until now seen in the mass media - when acknowledged at all - both in terms of Eton-cut androgyny or from fantasy of pornography ". Yet others have drawn a contrast between the bohemian attitude of the Greenham women and the "bold and clothed make-up" that tends to define women's fashion more commonly in the 1980s (so-called "designer decades").
A social historian has observed that "harmless woolen shirts, now known [in the UK] as jumper or pullover, are the first clothing that can be exchanged between men and women and, as such, are seen as dangerous symptoms of gender confusion." Women's trousers, sometimes worn mannishly as an expression of sexuality (as Marlene Dietrich did as a cabaret singer in the 1930 movie, Morocco , where she wore a white tie suit and kissed a girl in the audience) as well became popular in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as aspects of what years later were sometimes referred to as "shabby chic". Nephew's nephew Winston Churchill, Clarissa, was among those dressed in a special suit in the late 1930s.
Post-Liberation Paris
"New View"
After the Second World War "New Look" Christian Dior, launched in Paris in 1947, despite drawing on a style that began appearing in 1938-9, set the pattern for women's fashion generally until the 1960s. Pursuing back in some way to the Belle Epoque at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries and thus not "new" looks like that (early 1948, it was known simply as "The Look" in America) - it was criticized by some as being too feminine and, with its accompanying corset and rustling multilayered skirts, as a reorganization of "the work of emancipation won through participation in two world wars". It also, for a time, fights the tendency into childish modes which, like after the First World War, tended to follow a major conflict.
Rive Gauche
American influence had been discouraged during the Nazi occupation of France, but, especially in the form of be-bop and other jazz types, was strong among intellectual café communities in the mid to late 1940s. In 1947, Samedi-Soir lifted the lid on the so-called "troglodytes of Saint-Germain", the bohemians of the Parisian Left Bank (Rue Gauche) of Saint-Germain- des-PrÃÆ' Ã… © s, which appears clustered around the existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. These included Roger Vadim (who married and launched the career of actress Brigitte Bardot in the 1950s), novelist Boris Vian (since described as "the bohemian symbol of the Left Bank, standing in his post-war rehabilitation center") and singer Juliette GräÆ' © together.
Juliette GrÃÆ'Â © co
At the liberation of Paris in 1944, American journalist Ernie Pyle observed that the women were all "dressed brightly with white or red blouses and colorful farming skirts, with flowers in their hair and large, flashy earrings." while Lady Diana Cooper, whose husband, Duff Cooper, became the British Ambassador to Paris that year, wrote that, during the occupation, the Parisienne woman had been wearing "a strange big hat hung with flowers and fruits and feathers and ribbons" as well as carved wood tall one. shoes. However, in contrast to the flashy bohemian jewelry and then the "New Look" (which in itself makes some Parisennes scandals), the postwar blackburner clothing is dominated by black: when GrÃÆ'Â © co first appeared outside Saint-Germain, he insulted some of his audience with wearing "black trousers, bare feet tucked into golden sandals". In old age he claims that this style of dress emerges from poverty:
When I was a teenager in Paris... I only had one dress and a pair of shoes, so the kids at home started putting on my black shirt and trousers. A fashion is formed out of misery. When people copy me, I find it a bit silly, but I do not mind. It makes me smile.
The show in London more than fifty years later, GrÃÆ'Â © co was described as "still ooz [ing] bohemian style".
Saint-Germain in retrospection
Capturing the spirit of the moment, David Profumo has written about how his mother, actress Valerie Hobson, was mesmerized by colleague Roger Vadim, director Marc AllÃÆ'Â © gret, while she was filming Blanche Fury in 1947:
The lifestyle of AllÃÆ'Â © gret apparently bohemian appealed to his romantic side... and he enjoyed the atmosphere in the Left Bank where he introduced it during the script discussion in Paris. There is food with AndrÃÆ' © Gide, Jean Cocteau, and long-legged Zizi Jeanmaire. For an engaging English lady who feels the loss of attention... this is an ideal situation for a kind of revival.
The previous year's perfume created for Hobson has been marketed as "Great Expectations" to coincide with his role as Estella Havisham in the David Lean film of the name, based on the Charles Dickens novel of 1861. In England, it attracted the habits of Oxford University's then Oxford student Margaret Roberts, then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who, a little daring for the moment, also shopped for a "push-up" pink bra. In 1953, when Hobson starred in The King and I musicals in London, it was clear that he had defended the mix of Parisienne from chic and Boheminism. A journalist of the Daily Mirror described his "pale face, like a woman, his well-bred clothes... he likes embroidery and painting", while a young Eton who visited his dressing room remembered that "it had just been painted pink and white for him, and like entering a shabby French apartment ". Ten years later, when Hobson's husband, politician John Profumo, was involved in a sex scandal that threatened to shake the British government, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan wrote that "his wife [Profumo] is very good and reasonable." Of course, these people live in a society that raffish, theatrical, bohemian where no one really knows anyone and everyone is "dear" ".
Post-war Paris was recalled in 2007 when France introduced a ban on smoking in public places. Aroma Gauloises and Gitanes, for many years, are considered as inseparable features of the Paris cafe community, but the owner of Les Deux Magots, once frequented by Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, and other authors, observes that "things have changed. "The current authors are not so addicted to cigarettes". A British journalist who interviewed Juliette GrÃÆ' © co in 2010 described Les Deux Magots and Cafà © de Flore as "now overpriced travel hotspots" and notes that "chain stores and expensive restaurants have replaced bookstores, cafes and revolutionary ideas from Jean-Paul Sartre and Rive Gauche Simone de Beauvoir ". As a step towards changing attitudes toward cuisine and fashion, at the beginning of the 21st century 80% of French croissants are made in food factories, while, by 2014, only one factory continues to produce traditional male berets associated with printers, artists, political activists and, during the interwar years, tennis player Jean Borotra.
New influence in 1960
The post-war bohemian features of Paris spread to other urban areas of the French-speaking world, especially for Algeria, where the underground culture of "jazz, women and drug clubs" grew - in the words of punk rock producer Marc Zermati, the city at the height of the Algerian war in the late 1950s, "all very French". The war, however, marks a turning point that, in the eyes of some, is so traumatic that "ordinary French" sees America as "a new model of pleasure and happiness." This, in turn, led to the music of ye-ye from the early to mid 1960s (named after the English band, the use of the Beatles of "yeah, yeah" in some of their early songs) and the appearance of such singers Johnny Halliday and FranÃÆ'§oise Hardy. France also adopted a number of English singers (Petula Clark, Gillian Hills, Jane Birkin) who performed successfully in France, Birkin formed a long-term relationship with singer/songwriter Serge Gainsbourg, who was a seminal character in French popular music in the 1960s and 70s -an. In 1968 industrial and student riots in Paris and other parts of France virtually overthrew the administration of President Charles de Gaulle, who, after leading the Free French during the Second World War, had returned to power in an Algerian emergency. The 1968 incident represents a further significant sign in postwar France, although its long-term impact may be more on cultural, social and academic life than on the political system, which, through the constitution of the Fifth Republic (1958), has remained intact broadly. Indeed, a paradox of 1968 was that the first student demonstrations took place in Nanterre, whose catch area included rich and chic areas in Paris's 16 and 17 arrondissements. His disciples were more modern and "trendy" than the Sorbonne people in the Latin Quarter of the city, described at the time in terms of the general style and attitude of young people in the late 1960s:
The girls who gave the show - kulot, glossy skin, miniskirts, boots - driving in Mini-Coopers... Sentiment that rebelled more clearly among boys: long hair, square glasses, Che Guevara [revolutionary Cuban , died 1967] beard. Pictures at Nanterre in May are numerous and many dolls are painted kohabiting with unkempt revolutionaries.
America: generation of beats and power of interest
In the United States the counter-cultural counterterms (perhaps best defined by the novel Jack Kerouac, On the Road , set in the late 1940s, written in 1952 and published in 1957) are attributed with a black polo-neck sweater (or turtle's neck), blue denim jeans and sandals. The influence of this movement can be seen in the persona and songs of Bob Dylan in the early to mid 1960s, films such as Easy Rider (1969) and punk-oriented "New Wave". from the mid-1970s, which, among other things, produced a boho style icon on Deborah Harry from the New York Blondie band, which photographer David LaChapelle has described as "cool definition". (However, like some American musicians in the mid-1960s, such as Sonny and Cher, Blondie became famous internationally only after a tour of England in 1978).
Greenwich Village and West Coast
Greenwich Village in New York, which, since the late 19th century, has attracted many women with feminist ideals or "free love," was a special magnet for bohemians in the early 1960s. Bob Dylan's girlfriend, Suze Rotolo, who appeared with him on the cover of his second album The Freewheelin 'Bob Dylan (1963), recalls that the Village was "where people like me go - people who do not belong where they came from... where the writers I read and the artists I observed have lived or passed through. " These "beatniks" (as it became known by the late 1950s), in many ways, were the forerunners of the hippie movement that formed on the West Coast of the United States in the mid-1960s and came to the fore as the first post-war baby-boomers reached age majority in the 1967 Summer of Love. The Monterey Pop Festival was the main landmark of that year, associated with "flowerpower", psychedelia, opposition to the Vietnam war and inventive and flowing music, colorful fashions, among others, Jimi Hendrix, Mamas & amp; Papas, Jefferson Airplane and the British group, The Beatles, whose album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, is said to have caused psychedelia teacher, Timothy Leary, to comment that "my work is done".
Hippiedom and Pre-Raphaelites
The documentary, Festival (Murray Lerner, 1967), records how "clean-up school children" attended the Newport Community Festival (Rhode Island) in 1963-4, in 1965 (when Bob Dylan caused a sensation at the festival that year by playing an electric guitar), becoming "very angry": "hippies are waiting to be born". Among other things, the use of male ties, which in the mid-1960s, often drawn with a 19th-century paisley pattern, declined when muttonchop's mustache and beer (sunglasses) entered: during the Chicago 7 (late 1969 ). ), the hair on top of the collar has become so prevalent that it started beyond the Bohemian style, picking up mass popularity in the 1970s. London art dealer Jeremy Maas reflected in the mid-1980s
there is no question that the movement of Hippy
and its repercussive influence in Britain owes much to his personal image, manner, outfit, and personal appearance to the pre-Raphael ideal... It is observed by all of us who are involved with exhibit [pre-Raphael painting] that visitors include an increasing number of young people, beginning to resemble the figures in the pictures they see.
Jimmy Page from the British band Led Zeppelin, who collected the Pre-Raphaelite paintings, observed Edward Burne-Jones that "the romanticism of the Arthurian legends [captured in his paintings] and the bohemian life of the artists who reworked these stories seemed very attuned to our time" while author David Waller noted in 2011 that Burne-Jones subjects "have much in common with their sixties rock and pop-star paladins".
London in the 1950s
Despite the 1986 Annual Book Book recorded in 1956, a view that "London now has nothing but a quick coffee shop, with teddies and little women in jeans," "Edwardian" ("teddy boy" ) seen from time not coinciding with Bohemian tastes. For women, the heritage of the "New Look" is still evident, although the margins are generally increased as, as one journalist put it in 1963, "photos of the bold New Lookers make them seem strangely lost and confused, think and come fifty years late on stage ". Bohemian's focus during this period was the jazz club and the Soho and Fitzrovia espresso bars. Habituà © they usually wear polo neck; in the words of a social historian, "thousands of students dressed pale and clothed silenced in coffee shops on Jean-Paul Sartre and Jack Kerouac coffee". Various public houses and clubs also serve Bohemian tastes, especially the Colony Room Club in Soho, opened in 1948 by Muriel Belcher, a lesbian from Birmingham. Like the literary phenomenon called "Angry Young Men" from 1956 onwards, the picture is more male, than female, one. However, when singer Alma Cogan wanted to mark her success by buying a fur coat for her mother and sister, actress Sandra Caron, the latter asked for a raincoat not because she wanted to be considered a serious actress and "a kind of beatnik". In 1960, the future writer Jacqueline Wilson, who, as a teenager, lived in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, captured this look after finding two acquaintances in a record store "in turquoise wool coats, very tight jeans and cha- cha being embraced by a bunch of terrible spotty kids teddy ".
Continental Influence
In the novel Iris Murdoch, The Bell (1958), an art student named Dora Greenfield buys "large multi-colored skirts and jazz and sandal notes". However, when Britain emerged from postwar woes, some Bohemian women discovered the influence of continental Europe, adopted, for example, the "gamine display", with black and short shirts, hairstyles that were almost like boys associated with film actress Audrey Hepburn ( Sabrina , 1954, and as "GrÃÆ'  © co beatnik" in Funny Face 1957) and Jean Seberg ( Bonjour Tristesse , 1957 and a battle of de souffle, 1960), as well as French novelist FranÃÆ'§oise Sagan, who, as one critic says, "is celebrated for various partners and for driving fast sports cars in bare feet as an example of a free life ". In 1961 Fenella Fielding played "similar-mascara-clad  © co-sama" on The Rebel with comedian Tony Hancock, while, recently, Talulah Riley replicated the look for the scene in the ITV 2006 adaptation from Agatha Christie's The Finger Moving , set up in 1951.
Others prefer a lower and more stringent star style like Bardot or Gina Lollobrigida. Valerie Hobson includes people whose clothes wear Italian clothing couture ; In addition to a large collection of stiletto heeled shoes, he has a skirt made of python snake skin. In general, European tastes - including motor scooters Lambretta and Italian and French cuisine, whose cooking writers widely traveled Elizabeth David, himself a little Bohemian, did a lot to promote - not only began to encircle the Bohemian circle, but offered contrasts, from 1955 onwards , with the rocking Americanism of rock, with the dominant teen associations.
Hamburg and Beatlemania
In 1960, when The Beatles (then an unclear Liverpudlian combo with five members, as opposed to their four "fab") working in Hamburg, West Germany, they were influenced by the Bohemian "art school" known as Exis (for "existentialists"). The Exis is roughly equivalent to what in France is known as les beats and includes photographer Astrid Kirchherr (for whom the "fifth Beatle" Stuart Sutcliffe left the group) and Klaus artist and musician Voormann (who designed the cover for The Beatles Revolver album in 1966).
John Lennon Cynthia's wife recalled that Kirchherr was fascinated by the Beatles' "teddy-boy" style, but that they, in turn, "were fascinated with her hip black outfit, her avant-garde way of life, her photography and her style appetite ". As a result, the group purchased a black leather jacket, as well as a tufted hairstyle that was a prototype of a "sweep" cut associated with "Beatlemania" in 1963-4. The latter coincides with the revival of bob style for women, promoted in London by hairstylist Vidal Sassoon, originally to actress Nancy Kwan, and adopted by, among others, Cilla Black singer Billie Davis and, in America, Bev Bivens of We Five and Tammi Terrell, fashion designer Mary Quant and Jean Muir, American actress Barbara Feldon in the TV series Get Smart, and, in the form of a longer bob, Cathy McGowan, who presents an influential British pop TV show, Ready Steady Go! (1963-6). However, when the blond hair is longer (associated with, among many others, Julie Christie, Samantha Juste, Judy Geeson and fashion models named Lorna McDonald, who, at the end of every BBC edition of Dee Time, Simon Dee opens the E-type Jaguar) comes to symbolize the "sixties" look, advertisers turn to Bohemian world for inspiration: through the use of herbalism, Sunsilk shampoo is said to have "stolen something from gypsies".
Swinging London
Beatlemania itself did not create a real iconoclasm in the 1960s; but, as one writer put it, "just as NoÃÆ'« «Coward and Cole Porter reflect the louche attitude, without the burden of the [Nineteen Twenties], as well as The Beatles' music captures the rhythm of divisions experienced by all generations of people growing up in the Sixties". By the middle of this decade, British pop music has been driving the fashion boom of the so-called "London swinging". Initially associated with a "mod" design such as the Quant mini skirt, this soon embraced various Bohemian styles. These include the fashion of the military and Victoria popularized by the stars who often visit boutiques such as Grandma Taking Travel, "fashion fusion, art and lifestyle" opened by Nigel Waymouth at King's Road, Chelsea in January 1966, and, in 1967, the hippie was seen mostly imported from America (though, as noted, London stores like Biba, for some time, displaying dresses depicting Pre-Raphael's image). The Rolling Stones 'Keith Richards, whose early girl friend, Linda Keith, has, in his late teens, become a bohemian power at West Hampstead, noting on the Stones' return from an American tour in 1967 how fast the hippiedom has changed the London scene.
Victoria image
This blend of influence can be seen in two black and white productions for BBC television in 1966: Adam Adamant Lives series! Starring Gerald Harper as an Edwardian adventurer who has been precipitated in time and Juliet Harmer as Georgina Jones, a "mod" style that befriends her, and Jonathan Miller's break-even, gothic work in the fantasy of Lewis Carroll's children in the mid-Victorian era Alice in Wonderland (1865). (Confirming aspirations, Sydney Newman, BBC Television Drama Chief in the 1960s, reflects Adam Adamant that "[they] can never get a Victorian mentality that contrasts with the 60s.")
Before him, Carroll (a pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) had become a rather conventional and suppressed Oxford University, but he was a keen and artistic photographer in the early days of the medium (taking, among other things, a rather bohemian looking picture of Alice Liddell and other young girls) and he developed empathy and friendship with some Pre-Raphael; sculptor Thomas Woolner and possibly even Rossetti prevent him from describing Alice himself, the task of John Tenniel. The image of Alice , both textually and graphically, gave itself well to psychedelia in the late 1960s. In America, this is evident, among other ways, "Alice happened" in Central Park, New York (1968) when the naked participants covered themselves in the spots and lyrics of Grace Slick's song "White Rabbit" (1966) - "One pill makes you bigger/And one pill makes you small" - that he performed with the Great Society and Jefferson Airplane, including the last one at Woodstock in 1969.
Women Women in the late 1960s and early 1970s
In the late 1960s stores like Laura Ashley (who first opened in London in 1968) routinely promoted the "peasant look" and sold a variety of "eccentric unique clothes... The magic was able to step into 'Laura Ashley' Dress Up and imagine you've found something out of the dressing box. "At about the same time, and into the 1970s, the brassiÃÆ'¨re (or bra), which, as noted, has been seen as a liberating innovation early in this century, by some women, such as the Australian academic Germaine Greer (1969), as a symbol of traditional femininity that is too strict, but the incidence of "bra burning" that was widely publicized in the 1970s tends to be exaggerated - more and become satirical: for example, in the 1973 movie, Carry On Girls , and posters by Young & Rubicam, one of the rather subversive series for Smirnoff vodka: "I never thought to kill r my bra until I find Smirnoff ". It was also seen by many, including Greer himself, as a diversion from the cause of the "liberation" of women. A Vermont lawyer then watched with dismay that "like every good feminist-in-training in the sixties, I burned my bra," but it was "now the nineties... I realize Playtex [underwear producer] has supported I'm better than anyone I know. " Claire Perry, who became a Member of Conservative Parliament in 2010 and then a government minister, reflects that, as a "female officer" at Oxford University in the early 1980s, she was "a feminist who burned a bra with a new haircut-a horrible romantic. ", but the feminism, in its view, has matured.
"Girl power"
In the mid-1980s, American singer Madonna had turned the bra into a positive, even provocative, fashion statement. Madonna's flamboyant and sandy style (especially seen in the bohemian effect with Rosanna Arquette in the 1985 film, Desperately Seeking Susan), in turn, was the precursor of the so-called "girl power" linked in the 1990s with prominent young women (such as singer Courtney Love, who plays the 1999 Glastonbury Festival with a pink bra, and more commercial-oriented Spice Girls) and a strange or unique American television series Xena: Warrior Princess , Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Caroline in the City Sex and the City. Since the 1960s: hippie/boho-chic
Journalist Bob Stanley said that "the late 1960s were never completely outdated, they just needed a new angle to make them de jour ". Thus, the hippie mode feature reappears at various stages over the next forty years.
In the mid to late 1980s, short and fundamentally non-Bohemian (derived from cheerleading) short-skirts variants were combined with skin or demin to create a look with some Bohemian or even gothic features (for example, by the singing duo Strawberry Switchblade who took inspiration from the punk fashion of the 1970s). In the 1990s the term, "hippie chic", was applied to Tom Ford's collection for Italian Gucci homes. This is interesting, among other influences, styles, popular in retrospect, Talitha Getty (d. 1971), wife of actress John Paul Getty and stepson Dorelia McNeil, who is represented most famously in a picture of herself and her husband. was taken by Patrick Lichfield in Marrakesh, Morocco in 1969. Considering the entry of hippies to Marrakesh in 1968, Richard Neville, then editor of Oz, wrote that "the drifters are dapper in embroidered skirts and shoes cowboy bots were so happy with the bright 50s satin outfits favored by the mothers of Marrakesh that they wore them outside their cloak ÃÆ' la Madonna [singer] twenty-five years later ".
In the early 21st century, "boho-chic" was initially associated with supermodel Kate Moss and later, as a very popular style in 2004-5, with actress Sienna Miller. In America the same style is sometimes referred to as "bobo-" or "ashcan chic", or "luxe grunge", their main supporters include actress Mary-Kate Olsen and Zooey Deschanel. It was as if to illustrate the cyclical nature of fashion, at the end of a powerful pre-Raphael ninja of prominent features amongst others, singer Florence Welch, model Karen Elson and designer Anna Sui.
In Germany, terms such as Bionade-Bourgeoisie, Bionade-Biedermeier or BiohÃÆ'¨me refer to former Bohemians who acquired a sort of Cultural hegemony with LOHA Lifestyle - The old bohemian phenomenon (young) that has been the founder for many years is a typical aspect of the gentrification process. Motif Bon Michael Rutschky claims that the end of the 20th century, '' not the Proletariat, but BohÃÆ'¨me became the ruling class ''. The group in question uses mainly food as a means of differentiation and segregation. Among other things, the Bionade lemonade trademark has been phenomenally connected. A
Source of the article : Wikipedia