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Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

Entemena - Wikipedia
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Whether on ( Mesh-Ane-on or Mes-Anne-on , "young man chosen by An") is the first king listed for the first Ur dynasty (ca. 25th century BC) on the list of the king of Sumer, king of Eannatum and king of Lagash. He enlisted to have ruled for 80 years, having overthrown Lugal-kitun from Uruk.

Mesadais representing diplomatic relations with Ur. In order to give gifts to the kings of Mari, and according to lazuli bead inscriptions found there, his father was Meskalamdug. The seal of the royal cemetery in Ur has also been found by mentioning the name Mesha on his and his predecessors Meskalamdug and Akalamdug, along with Queen Puabi.

He and his son and successor Meskiag-Nanna, who reigned 36 years, are both named on the Tummal Inscription as the guardian of the main temple in Nippur along with Gilgamesh of Uruk and his son Ur-Nungal, verifying their status as landlords Sumer. Seen from its inscriptions, Meshae then took the title "King of Kish", to show his hegemony. In the tablet for the goddess Ninhursag, found in Tell el-Obeid, has the words "A-Anne-to king Ur, son of Mes-Anne-to king Ur, has built a temple to Ninhursag.It is indeed impossible that a king inherits throne in his childhood and reigned after it for 80 years, his reasoning will be accepted because of the length of reign of the son added to his father.

Another Messannepada Son, named Aannepadda, (An-ane-on or A-Anne-on, "anointed father of An"), whose years of government were unknown, was known for building the Ninchursang temple (in modern Ubaid) near el-Obed , although he was not mentioned in the list of kings.

Your Ur-Namu structure may be built on a smaller ziggurat that may be as old as Mes-Anne-on.

In the 1950s, Edmund I. Gordon suspected that the Messiah, and an archeologically proven "king Kish", Mesilim, were one and the same, because their names were exchanged in certain proverbs on the next tablets of Babylon; But this has not been proven conclusive. Newer scholars tend to consider them differently, usually placing Mesilim in Kish before Messiah.

Video Mesannepada

See also

  • Sumerian History

Maps Mesannepada


costume | Tanogabo
src: i0.wp.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
