108 ( a hundred [and] eight ) are natural numbers that follow 107 and earlier 109.
Video 108 (number)
Dalam matematika
108 adalah:
- jumlah yang melimpah.
- angka semiperfect.
- nomor tetranacci.
- hyperfactorial 3 karena bentuknya .
- dapat dibagi oleh nilainya? fungsi, yaitu 36.
- dapat dibagi dengan jumlah total pembaginya (12), maka itu adalah angka yang bisa dinegosiasikan.
- sudut dalam derajat sudut interior dari pentagon reguler di ruang Euclidean.
- palindromic dalam basis 11 (99 11 ), 17 (66 17 ), 26 (44 26 ), 35 (33 35 ) dan 53 (22 53 )
- nomor Harshad di basis 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, dan 16
- nomor sendiri.
- sembilan lusin
There are 108 free polyominoes from 7 orders.
Persamaan menghasilkan rasio emas.
Maps 108 (number)
Agama dan seni
Number 108 is considered sacred by the Religion of Dharma, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism.
In the Hindu tradition, Mukhya Shivaganas (Shiva maid) numbered 108 and hence Shaiva's religion, especially Lingayats, used lazy of 108 beads for prayer and meditation.
Similarly, in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Lord Krishna at Vrindavan has 108 followers known as gopi. A re-reading of their names, often accompanied by a count of 108-manic beads, is often performed during religious ceremonies. The Sri Vaishnavite tradition has 108 Divya Desams (Vishnu temples) worshiped by 12 Alvars in Divya Prabandha , a collection of 4,000 Tamil verses.
In Jainism, the total number of ways in which Karma (Aasrav) enters. 4 Kashays (anger, pride, arrogance, greed) x 3 karana (thoughts, speech, physical actions) x 3 planning stages (planning, procurement, beginning) x 3 ways of execution (action alone, completion, support or approval of action).
In Buddhism, according to Bhante Gunaratana this number is achieved by multiplying the sense of smell, touch, taste, hearing, sight, and consciousness with whether they are painful, pleasant or neutral, and then again by whether these are produced internally or externally, and again by past, present and future, we finally get 108 feelings. 6 ÃÆ'â € "3 ÃÆ'â €" 2 ÃÆ'â € "3 = 108.
Lazy Tibetan Buddhist or rosary (Tib. ?????? Wyl. Phreng ba, "Trengwa") is usually 108 beads; sometimes 111 including teacher's beads (s), reflecting the words of the Buddha mentioned in Tibetan, Kangyur (Wylie: Bka '-' gyur) in 108 volumes. Imam Zen wear juzu (a ring of roses) around their wrists, consisting of 108 beads.
The Lankavatara Sutra has a part in which the Mahamati Bodhisattva asks the Buddha 108 questions and other passages in which the Buddha mentions 108 negation statements in the form "The statement of X is not a statement of X." In the footnotes, D.T. Suzuki explains that the Sanskrit word translated as "statement" is on which can also mean "footstep" or "position." This confusion over the word "on" explains why there is a misunderstanding that the reference to 108 statements in Lankavatara refers to the 108 steps that many temples have.
In Japan, by the end of the year, a bell tolled 108 times in Buddhist temples to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of the 108 temporal temptations (Bonn?) That one must overcome to attain nirvana.
More references
In the neo-Gnostic teachings of Samael Aun Weor, an individual has 108 chances (lifes) to obliterate his ego and transcend the material world before "transfers" and has an ego that is forcibly removed in the infradimensions.
Martial arts
Many East Asian martial arts trace their roots back to Buddhism, in particular, to the Shaolin Buddhist Temple. Because of their relationship to Buddhism, 108 has become an important symbolic number in a number of martial arts styles.
- According to Marma Adi and Ayurveda, there are 108 pressure points in the body, where consciousness and flesh intersect to give life to living things.
- The Chinese martial arts school agrees with South Indian martial arts school on the principle of 108 pressure points.
- 108 prominent figures in the symbolism associated with karate, especially G? j? -ry? discipline. The ultimate G? J? -ry? word, Suparinpei , literally translates to 108. Suparinpei is Chinese pronunciation of 108, while goj? shi from Goj? shiho is the Japanese pronunciation of the number 54. The other G? J? -ry? words , Sanseru (meaning "36") and Seip ("18") is a factor of number 108.
- 108 Long Taijiquan's long form movements and 108 movements in the form of Wing Chun wooden puppets, taught by Ip Man, are recorded in this regard.
- The Kung Fu Eagle Claw style has a form known as 108 Lock Handling Techniques. This form is regarded as the essence of the style, which consists of the Chin Na's engineering encyclopedia, and is said to have been derived from the founder of General Yue Fei.
- Paek Pal Ki Hyung, the 7th form taught in Kuk Sool Won art, is literally translated into "108 technique". It is also often referred to as the "get rid of 108 torture" forms. Each movement corresponds to one of 108 Buddhist torments or filth.
In the literature
- In Homer Odyssey, the number of applicants who want Penelope, wife of Odysseus.
- There are 108 criminals in classical Chinese Margin/Sword Sword from Marsh by Shi Nai'an.
- There are 108 love sonnets at Astrophil and Stella , the first British sonet sequence by Sir Philip Sidney.
In science
- 108 is the atomic number of hassium.
- 108 degrees Fahrenheit is the internal temperature at which the vital organs of the human body begin to fail because they overheat.
- The Earth's distance from the Sun is about 108 times the diameter of the Sun (actually closer to 107.51, as per AU definition). The actual ratio varies between 105.7 (Perihelion) and 109.3 (Aphelion).
In technology
- The number of Mbit/s of the non-standard wireless network extension IEEE 802.11g uses channel lineup.
In sports
- 108 was the number used by Belgian biker Wouter Weylandt when he fell fatally on the Giro d'Italia on May 9, 2011. As a tribute, many supporters held a replica of his racing number on the side of the road the next day. The Giro d'Italia Organization decided not to issue the 108th race number in the upcoming edition, in memory of it.
- Baseball Baseball Baseball officially has 108 stitches.
- In 2016 the Chicago Cubs (MLB) won the World Series for the first time in 108 years, ending the longest championship drought in North American professional sports. The Cubs' victory came in 10 innings with 8 runs (108).
In the card game
- There are 108 cards in a deck of UNO cards.
- The traditional card game of Canasta is played with 108 cards.
In other fields
- In India, 108 (1-0-8) is a toll-free emergency number.
See also
- 108 (band)
- List of highways numbered 108
- Wells, D. Curious and Attractive Penguin Dictionary London: Penguin Group. (1987): 134
External links
- Significance of the number 108
- Meaning 108 beads on mala
- An article on the symbolism of number 108
- Our Sun, Planet Earth, and Hoary 108
- Mystery 108 in the Bible, Eastern Religions, and TV Shows Lost
- The spiritual meaning 108
Source of the article : Wikipedia