Cookware and bakeware is a type of food preparation container, commonly found in kitchens. Cookware consists of cooking vessels, such as pans and fryers, intended for use on a stove or stove. Bakeware consists of a cooking vessel intended for use in an oven. Some equipment is considered as cookware and bakeware.
The choice of ingredients for cookware and bakeware items has a significant effect on the performance of the goods (and costs), especially in terms of thermal conductivity and how much food is attached to the goods when in use. Some material choices also require special preparation of the surface - known as spices - before being used for food preparation.
Both cooking pot and lid can be made from the same material but it will mean that, when picking or touching any of these parts, oven gloves should be worn. To avoid this, the handle can be made from non-hot materials, such as bakelite, plastic or wood. Should avoid the hollow handle because it is difficult to clean or dry.
The design of a good cooking pot has an "overweight" which is the lid. The cover has a dripping edge that avoids the condensation from dripping when handling the lid (removing it and holding it 45 Â °) or placing it.
Video Cookware and bakeware
The history of the cooking vessels prior to the development of pottery is minimal due to limited archaeological evidence. The earliest pottery, originating from 19,600 Ã,  ± 400Ã, BP, is found in Xianrendong Cave, Jiangxi, China. Pottery may have been used as a cooking utensil, produced by hunter-gatherers. Harvard University archaeologist Ofer Bar-Yosef reported that "When you see the pots, you can see that they are on fire." It is also possible to extrapolate the possibility of development based on the methods used by the last community. Among the first techniques believed to be used by stone age civilizations is the refinement of basic roasting. In addition to exposing food to direct heat from either open flames or hot coals it is possible to cover food with clay or large leaves before grilling to keep moisture in cooked produce. Examples of similar techniques are still used in many modern cuisines.
The bigger difficulty is finding a method to boil water. For people who do not have access to natural hot springs, such as hot springs, heated stones ("pot kettle") can be placed in a vessel containing water to raise the temperature (for example, leaflets or stomach from animals killed by hunter). In many locations turtle shells or large mollusks provide a source for waterproof cooking vessels. Bamboo tubes sealed at the ends with clay provide a container that can be used in Asia, while the inhabitants of the Tehuacan Valley start carving large stone bowls that are permanently placed in fireplaces early in 7000 BC.
According to Frank Hamilton Cushing, the original American cooking basket used by Zuni (ZuÃÆ' Â ± i) was developed from a mesh sheath that was woven to stabilize pumpkin gourds. He reported watching the use of a cooking basket by Havasupai in 1881. Roast-covered roasting baskets will be filled with wood coals and baked goods. When the fired clay is separated from the basket, it will be a clay pot that can be used alone. This shows the steady development of the use of woven pumpkin casings to waterproof cooking baskets to pottery. In addition to many other cultures, Native Americans use and still use heat sources in cooking utensils. The cooking basket is filled with hot stones and grilled pan with wooden coals. Native Americans will form baskets of large leaves to boil water, according to historian and novelist Louis L'Amour. As long as the fire does not reach the water level above the basket, the leaves will not burn.
The development of pottery allows the creation of fireproof cooking boats in various shapes and sizes. Coat the pottery with some kind of chewing gum, and then glaze, turning the porous container into a waterproof container. The earthenware vessels can then be suspended on fire through the use of a tripod or other equipment, or even placed directly into low fire or coal beds as in the case of pipkin. Ceramics produce bad heat, so ceramic pots must cook on relatively low heat and for long periods of time. However, most ceramic pots will be cracked if used on stovetop, and are only intended for oven.
The development of metal and bronze metalworking skills allows for metal cookware to be produced, although adoption of new cookware is slow due to the much higher cost. After the development of metal cookware there was little new development in cookware, with a standard Medieval kitchen utilizing a shallow pots and pot for most cooking tasks, with spit used for grilling.
In the 17th century, it was common for Western kitchens to carry a number of frying pans, baking pans, kettles and several pots, along with various hook and trivet pots. Ships of brass or copper are common in Asia and Europe, while iron pots are common in American colonies. Metallurgical improvements during the 19th and 20th centuries enabled pots and pans from metals such as steel, stainless steels and aluminum to be produced economically.
At the protest of Miss America 1968, protesters symbolically threw a number of feminine products into the "Trash of Freedom", which includes pots and pans.
Maps Cookware and bakeware
Cookware material
Pottery has been used to make cookware from before the date of history. Pans and pans made with this material are durable (some can last a lifetime or longer) and are inert and not reactive. Heat is also done evenly in this material. They can be used to cook in a fire pit surrounded with coals and to be roasted in an oven.
Metal pots are made of a narrow variety of metals because the pots and pans must have good heat, but also need not chemically react so they do not change the taste of the food. Most materials that are sufficiently conductive to heat evenly are too reactive to be used in food preparation. In some cases (copper pots, for example), pots can be made of more reactive metal, and then coated or bandaged with others.
Aluminum is a light metal with excellent thermal conductivity. It is resistant to various forms of corrosion. Aluminum is generally available in sheet, mold, or anodized form, and can be physically combined with other metals (see below).
Aluminum sheets are rotated or stamped into shape. Because the softness of the metal can be mixed with magnesium, copper, or bronze to increase its strength. Aluminum sheets are commonly used to make baking pans, pie plates, and cakes or muffin pans. The deep or shallow pans can be formed from aluminum sheets.
Cast aluminum can produce products that are thicker than aluminum sheets, and are suitable for irregular shapes and thicknesses. Because of the microscopic pores caused by the casting process, the cast aluminum has a lower thermal conductivity than the aluminum sheet. It's also more expensive. Therefore, cast aluminum cookware is becoming less common. It is used, for example, to make a light Dutch oven and bundt heavy duty pot, and is used in spoons and hoists and pans to keep the sides at a lower temperature than the center.
Anodized aluminum has an aluminum oxide layer that is naturally bold by electrolytic processes to create a hard and non-reactive surface. This is used for sautÃÆ' Â © pans, stockpots, roasters, and Dutch ovens.
Uncoated aluminum and can not react with acidic food to change the taste of food. Sauce containing egg yolks, or vegetables such as asparagus or artichokes can cause non-anodized aluminum oxidation.
Aluminum exposure has been suggested as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer's Association stated that "research has failed to confirm any role for aluminum that causes Alzheimer's." The link is still controversial.
Copper provides the highest thermal conductivity among non-precious metals and therefore rapid heating with unparalleled heat distribution (see: Copper in heat exchanger). Pans and pans are formed from copper sheets of various thicknesses, with more than 2.5 mm considered commercial (or extra-fort ) grade. Wall thicknesses between 1 mm and 2.5 mm are considered utility levels ( fortress ), with thickness below 1.5 mm often require bead tubes or edge winding to strengthen structural rigidity in a circular configuration. The wall thickness of less than 1mm is generally considered decorative, with the exception being made for 0.75-1 mm flat copper case, hardened by a hammer and thereby expressing performance and thicker material strength characteristics.
Copper thickness of less than.25 mm, in the case of cookware, referred to as foil and shall be formed into a more rigid metal structurally to produce a serviceable vessel. Such copper applications are purely aesthetic and do not contribute materially to the performance of cookware.
Copper is reactive with acidic foods that can cause corrosion, a byproduct that can cause copper toxicity. In certain circumstances, however, unbranded copper is recommended and safe, for example in the preparation of meringue, in which copper ions push the protein into denatur and allow stronger protein bonds throughout the sulfur contained in egg whites. Unlined copper is also used in the manufacture of preservatives, jams, and jellies. Copper does not store ("bank") heat, and the heat current recoils as soon as it is removed from the heat. It enables precise control of consistency and texture when cooking sugar and pectin-thicken preparations. Alone, the fruit acid will be enough to cause the leaching of a by-product of copper, but the natural fruit sugar and added preserve the copper reactivity buffer sugar. Unlined skillet has been used securely in applications for centuries.
Copper pots and pans coatings prevent copper from contact with acidic foods. The most popular types of coatings are tin, stainless steels, nickel and silver.
The use of tin dates back centuries and is an original layer for copper cookware. Although the patent for canning in tin sheets was secured in 1810 in England, the legendary French chef Auguste Escoffier experimented with solutions for the provision of French troops while in the field by adapting the tin coating technique used for his cookware to a stronger steel container (then only recently- recently introduced for canning) that protects cans from corrosion and soldiers from tin solder and botulism poisoning.
Tin lining strong enough for cooking is removed to copper by hand, resulting in a thick layer of 35-45 mm. Decorative copper cookware, ie pots or pans less than 1 mm thick and therefore not suitable for cooking, will often be overlaid with lead. If the wiped lead coat is damaged or worn, cookware can be refined, usually at a much cheaper cost than the purchase price of the wok. Tin presents a fine crystal structure and is therefore relatively non-sticky in cooking applications. As a relatively soft metal abrasive cleanser or cleaning technique can accelerate the wear of tin lining. Wood, silicone or plastic tools are preferred over harder stainless steels.
For the period after the Second World War, pure nickel was adapted as a layer of copper cookware. Nickel has the advantage of being tougher and more thermally efficient than lead, with a higher melting point. Although the nickel hardness characteristics are similar to lead, since nickel will only be plated with a thickness of & lt; 20 microns, and often even less because of the somewhat irregular tendency of nickel for plates, requiring grinding to produce evenly distributed cooking surfaces, although sticky compared to cans and silver. Copper cookware with old or damaged nickel layers qualifies for retinning, or may replicate with nickel, although the service is difficult if not impossible to find in the US and Europe in the early 21st century. The nickel coating began to be disliked in 1980 due to the isolation of nickel as an allergen.
Silver is also applied to copper by electroplating, and provides interior finishing that is at once smooth, more durable than tin or nickel, relatively nonstick and very thermally efficient. Copper and silver bonds are excellent because they have high electrical conductivity. Layer thickness varies widely by the manufacturer, but averages between 7 and 10 microns. The disadvantage of silver is the cost and tendency of sulfur food, especially brassica, to blacken. The silver lining used in copper cookware can be recovered by stripping and re-coating.
Copper cookware coated with a thin layer of stainless steel is available from most modern European manufacturers. Stainless steel has a thermal conductive 25 times less than copper, and is sometimes criticized for sacrificing the potency of the copper that binds to it. Among the advantages of stainless steel is durability and corrosion resistance, and although relatively sticky and subject to food residue adhesion, stainless steels are extremely tolerant of most abrasive cleaning techniques and metal tools. Stainless steel forms a pan structure element when it is attached to copper and can not be repaired in case of damage or wear.
Using modern metal bonding techniques, such as cladding, copper is often incorporated into metallic cookware which is not the same as stainless steel, often as a closed diffusion layer (see Cookware Coated and Composite below).
Cast iron
Cast iron cookware is slow to hot, but once at even temperatures it provides heating. Cast iron can also withstand very high temperatures, making cast iron pans ideal for burning. Being a reactive material, cast iron can have chemical reactions with high acid foods such as grapes or tomatoes. In addition, some foods (such as spinach) cooked on cast iron will turn black.
Cast iron is a rusty porous material. As a result, it usually requires spice before use. Spices create a thin layer of oxidized fat over the iron that lines and protects the surface, and prevents stickiness.
The enamel cast iron cookware was developed in the 1920s. In 1934, the French company, Cousances, designed double-chambered iron castings, Doufeu, to reduce excessive evaporation and burn Dutch iron. Modeled on an old brave pot in which burning charcoal accumulates in the lid (to mimic a two-flame oven), Doufeu has a recess in its lid that is otherwise filled with ice cubes. This keeps the cap at a lower temperature than the bottom of the pot. Furthermore, a slight notch on the inside of the lid allows moisture to collect and drop back into the food during cooking. Although Doufeu (literally, "softfire") can be used in an oven (no ice, as a casserole pan), it's primarily designed for stove use.
Stainless steel
Stainless steel is an iron alloy containing at least 11.5% chromium. A mixture containing 18% chromium with 8% nickel, called 18/8, or with 10% nickel, called 18/10, is commonly used for kitchen cookware. The virtues of stainless steel are resistance to corrosion, non-reactivity with alkaline or acidic foods, and resistance to scratches and dents. The weakness of stainless steel for use in cooking is the relatively poor heat conductor and its non-magnetic properties, although recent developments have enabled the production of 18/10 magnetic alloys, and thus providing compatibility with induction cookers, requiring magnetic cooking equipment. Because the material is not sufficiently dispersing the heat itself, stainless steel cookware is generally fabricated as a stainless steel cladding on either side of an aluminum or copper core to heat on all sides, thereby reducing the "hot spots", or with copper or aluminum disks only on the base to heat up the base, with the possibility of "hot spots" on the sides. In so-called "tri-layers" of cookware, the central aluminum layer is clearly non-magnetic, and the interior 18/10 layer does not need a magnet, but the 18/10 outer layer must be magnetized to be compatible with the induction cooker.
Carbon steel
Cookware of carbon steel can be rolled or hammered into relatively thin sheet of solid material, which provides strong strength and better heat distribution. Carbon steels accommodate high dry heat for operations such as dry expansion. Carbon steels do not heat efficiently, but this may be an advantage for larger vessels, such as frying pans and pan paella, where a portion of the pan is intentionally stored at different temperatures than the other. Like cast iron, carbon steel should be flavored before use, usually by rubbing fat or oil on the cooking surface and heating the cookware on the stove or in the oven. With proper use and care, spice oils polymerize on carbon steel to form a low surface, particularly suited for browning, Maillard reactions and the release of easily fried foods. Carbon steel will be easy to rust if not flavored and must be stored spices so as not to rust. Carbon steels are traditionally used for crÃÆ'ªpe and fry pan, as well as frying pan.
PTFE Non-stick
Cooking pots of steel or aluminum can be coated with substances such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, often called the Teflonî brand name) to minimize food attached to the pan surface. There are advantages and disadvantages to such layers. The layered pan is easier to clean than most pots without coating, and requires little or no extra oil or fat to prevent sticking, properties that help produce low fat foods. On the other hand, some sticking is necessary to cause the dosage form, so a non sticky pot can not be used where the pan sauces are desired. The nonstick coating tends to decline over time and is susceptible to damage. Using metal tools, hard coirs, or chemical scourers can damage or destroy cooking surfaces.
Non-stick pan should not be too hot. This layer is stable at normal cooking temperature, even at the point of smoke of most of the oil. However, if the nonstick pan is heated as it is empty, the temperature can rapidly exceed 260 ° C (500 ° F), over which the nonstick coating may begin to deteriorate, change the color and lose its anti-stickiness. Above 350Ã, ° C (662Ã,  ° F), the anti-stick coating will rapidly decay and release toxic fumes, which are very harmful to birds, and can cause polymer smoke fever in humans.
The main difference in layer quality is due to the formula of the liquid layer, the thickness of each layer and the number of layers used. High quality non-stick cookware using ceramic or titanium powder mixed with nonstick material to strengthen the coating and make it more resistant to abrasion and deterioration. Some nonstick coatings contain hardening substances. Some layers are of sufficiently high quality that they pass the rigorous standards of the National Sanitation Foundation for approval for restaurant use.
Coated and composite cookware
enameled cast iron
Enamel cast iron cooking vessel made of cast iron coated with porcelain surface. This creates parts that have heat distribution and retention properties of cast iron combined with non-reactive, low-stick surfaces.
Enamel on top of steel
The above enamel steel technique creates pieces that have heat distribution of carbon steel and non-reactive, low-stick surfaces. Such pots are much lighter than most other pots of the same size, cheaper to make than stainless steel pots, and have no rust and reactivity problems of cast iron or carbon steel. More enamel than steel is ideal for large stockpots and for other large pots that are used mostly for water-based cooking. Due to its light weight and easy to clean, enamel steel is also popular for cooking utensils used in camping.
Aluminum or coated copper
Cladding is a technique for fabricating frying pans with efficient heat regenerative coatings, such as copper or aluminum, which are covered on cooking surfaces by non-reactive materials such as stainless steels, and are often covered in the exterior aspect of the "dual-clad". Some pans display a copper or aluminum interface layer that extends across the pan rather than just the disks that distribute the heat at the base. Generally, thicker interface layers, especially at the bottom of the frying pan, further increase the heat distribution. Claims for increased thermal efficiency, however, are controversial, primarily due to the limiting and heat-banking effects of stainless steel on thermal currents.
Aluminum is usually wrapped both inside and on the surface of the exterior pan, providing both stainless cooking surfaces and stainless surfaces to contact the planting stove. Copper with various thicknesses is often only wrapped on the interior surface, leaving a more attractive copper that is visible on the outside of the pan (see Copper above).
Some cookware uses a dual-clad process, with a thin stainless-steel coating on the cooking surface, a thick aluminum core to provide enhanced heat and diffusion structure, and copper foil layers on the exterior to give copper pot "look" at cheaper prices.
Other non-metallic cookware
Non-metallic cookware can be used both in conventional ovens and microwaves. Non-metallic cookware usually can not be used on stovetop, although Corningware and Pyroflam are some exceptions.
- Ceramics
- Glazed ceramics, like porcelain, provide a nonstick cooking surface. Historically, some glazes used in ceramic articles contain lead levels, which may have health risks; although this is not a problem with most of the modern goods. Some pottery can be directly burned.
- Glass
- Borosilicate glass is safe at oven temperature. Clear glass also allows food to be seen during the cooking process. However, it can not be used on stovetop, as it can not cope with the temperature of the stove.
- Glass-ceramics
- Ceramic glass is used to create products such as Corningware and Pyroflam, which have many of the best properties of both glassware and ceramic cookware. While Pyrex can be destroyed if taken between extreme temperatures that are too fast, ceramic-glass can be taken directly from deep freezing to the top of the stove. Their very low heat expansion coefficients make them less susceptible to thermal shocks.
- Stone Ã,
- natural stone can be used to spread heat for roasting or indirect roasting, such as on toaster or pizza stone, or French pierrade .
- Silicones
- Silicon bakeware is lightweight, flexible and capable of withstanding the continuous temperature of 360Ã, ° C (675Ã,  ° F). It melts about 500  ° C (930  ° F), depending on the filler used. Flexibility is beneficial in removing baked goods from the pan. This rubber material should not be confused with the silicone resin used to make harsh and anti-breaking childrens utensils, which are not suitable for baking.
Type of cookware and bakeware
Bakeware is designed to be used in an oven (for toasting), and includes a variety of different styles of baking pan as cake pan , pie pie , and bread pan .
- Canned cookies (or cake pan in the US) include square pots, round pots, and special pots like angel feeding pans and springform pans often used to bake cheesecakes. Another type of baking pan is a muffin pan, which can hold a few smaller cakes.
- Sheet pans , cookie sheets , and Swiss rolls are small devices with large flat undersides.
- The pan is a flat flare-flange tin specially designed to make pie.
List of cookware and bakeware
- Coma (cookware)
- Cookie sheet
- Double boiler
- Doufeu
- Dutch Oven
- Food processors
- Wok (also called Tava or Laughter)
- Karahi
- Kazan
- Kettle
- Pans
- Strip
- Chip pan
- Crepe pot (also called tava)
- Frying pan (also called Skillet)
- Grilling
- Pans (described in this article)
- SautÃÆ' Â © pan
- Sheet pan
- Plot plot Sautà ©
- The Springform pot
- Wok [type includes angel food cake pan and Bundt cake pot (Kugelhopf)]
- Pots
- Beanpot
- Cooking pot
- Stockpot
- Wonder Pot
- Pressure cooker
- Ramekin
- Toaster rack
- Saucier (described in the current article)
- The SoufflÃÆ' dish  ©
- Tajine
- Wok
See also
Further reading
Bridge, Fred; Tibbetts, Jean F. (1991). Well-Used Kitchen . William Morrow and Company. ISBNÃ, 0-688-08135-5. - Reay Tannahill (1988). Food in History . Crown Publisher. ISBN: 0-517-57186-2.
Source of the article : Wikipedia